A film making project in Weoley Castle

On 6th August, as part of National Playday, the newly opened Shenley Court Hall will host a unique 'make-a-film-in-a-day' community event.

We invite everyone living or working in the Weoley Castle area to join us to make short films. Throughout the day our 'JOIN US' team will support editting and demonstrate simple filming techniques at Shenley Court Hall, open to everyone.

Please make films, as short or as long as you like, on whatever topic you like in Weoley Castle on 6th August.

At 7:00 Shenley Court Hall will host a celebratory event showcasing some of the filming from the day. We invite participants and everyone fromWeoley Castle to attend this event, in which we will premier some of your films.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Woodcock Hill Primary Preliminary workshop

Worked on design of flyers with plasticine with eight children from Yr6.  Forms and paperwork all sent out to parents and looking forward to responses to workshop.  Below are images of work so far (no consent yet for photos of people).